Aiyana future chef using Wag products
Aiyana Hill Higgins, our granddaughter won a trip to Disneyland at the Keiki in the Kitchen event at Koolina for the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival last October.Read More →
Aiyana Hill Higgins, our granddaughter won a trip to Disneyland at the Keiki in the Kitchen event at Koolina for the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival last October.Read More →
On May 21, 2016, WAG received the The Hawaiian Agriculture Award. This award is given by the Hawaii Food Manufacturers Association and comes with commendations from Hawaii’s congressional delegation. It’s a great demonstration of Mike and Lesley’s decades of dedication to diversified agriculture in Hawaii. The Hawaii Food Manufacturers Association 2016 TASTE Awards was held on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel.Read More →
Products from the farm were showcased at the Sheraton Waikiki’s Chef Table and Farm Tour dinner final event. Read all about it here.Read More →
Mike and Lesley attended the Women Chefs & Restaurateurs 21st Annual Conference in Chicago. WAG’s Fresh Hawaiian Heart of Palm was the secret ingredient in the Celebrity Culinary Competition with Celebrity Chef Elizabeth Falkner. SaveRead More →
WAG participates annually at the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival. The Festival takes place over three weekends on multiple islands, featuring a roster of over 100 internationally-renowned master chefs, culinary personalities, and wine and spirit producers. Pictured above: Mike and Lesley with Chef Marcel Vigneron, the runner-up of the second season of Top Chef. SaveRead More →
Lesley Hill and daughter Maika attended the Les Dames D’escoffier Conference in Austin, Texas. For the Les Dames luncheon we served up Fresh Heart of Palm and spinach salad with a lime, agave and chili pepper dressing. Pictured above, Lesley Hill with the other Les Dames Hawaii Chapter members in Austin. Save Save SaveRead More →
Chef Colin Hazama, born and raised in Hawai’i, has worked his way through a variety of kitchens throughout the islands to become the senior executive sous chef at the Sheraton Waikiki. As senior executive sous chef, Hazama oversees the food preparations of all the Sheraton Waikiki’s banquet and function spaces. He also works directly with farmers and local vendors, such as WAG, to source the right farm-fresh products in creating and developing new menus at Sheraton Waikiki. WAG has collaborated with Chef Colin many times over the years with Farm to Table events and the fresh Heart of Palm is used in many of hisRead More →
Cookspace Hawaii is 1000 square foot cooking studio and event venue offering cooking classes, tastings, and bespoke culinary experiences. They are located at Ward Warehouse, a retail complex in the heart of Kaka’ako, a shopping and art district a few miles from Waikiki. Picture above: Lesley and Michael with Rick Hadley of Hawaiian Water Company and Chef Colin.Read More →
Iron Chef Morimoto visited the farm! Pictured here, Iron Chef Morimotoand Michael Crowell taste Costus Flowers (lemony and crunchy) and Rambutan from the farm.Read More →
Lesley Hill and Michael Crowell of WAG participated in Taste of the Nation Hawaii, donating fresh Heart of Palm and tropical flowers. Local chefs and farmers teamed up to create exquisite dishes for the inaugural Taste the Nation Hawaii, a fundraiser focused on ending childhood hunger. WAG paired up with Chef Roger Dikon, one of the 12 founding members of Hawaii Regional Cuisine. Guests of the event tasted culinary sensations prepared by Hawaii’s hottest chefs and mixologists, featuring the islands’ finest local producers, ranchers and farmers; a sense-sational event featuring the finest food, worldly wines, scintillating spirits, live entertainment, and a silent auction.Read More →
© 2025 Wailea Agricultural Group • Photography by: Rae Huo • Photography & Site Design by: Maikalani Designs